British Values
British values are defined as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We promote these values through our own school aims, values, curriculum and enrichment activities.
Young Governors (leaders are selected termly by a democratic election process)
Class opportunities to vote in a range of curriculum areas
Class meetings linked to Young Governors where children regularly vote for school decisions
Voting for rewards linked to our behaviour policy
Pupils' views and opinions are sought through questionnaires and interviews
Debates (verbal and written)
Focus Groups
Rule of Law
The importance of laws is reinforced through many aspects of the curriculum including: Collective worship, school assemblies, PSHE and RE
Behaviour policy
Fire Service visits (Year 2)
Police visit (Year R)
Basic first aid during PSHE
Online Safety every half term in computing lessons
Individual Liberty
Freedom of speech
Pupil voice in school newsletter / on school website
Pupil voice gathered during class meetings where all children participate. Young Governors then represent their peers.
Whole school and key stage assemblies
Playground play choices
Extra- curricular club choices
Year 6 responsibilities
Young Governors
Mutual Respect
EHPS Virtues
Collective worship
RE curriculum
Sports events and competitions (in school and with local schools)
Olympic and Paralympic values
PSHE Lessons
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
RE curriculum covers – Christianity, Sikhism, Islam and Hinduism
Mosque visit in Year 5
Gurdwara visit in Year 3
Church visits Year 1
A wide range of teaching resources and books to help pupils understand a range of faiths
Visitors to school
PSHE lessons