At EHPS, we aim to prepare our learners for their future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for an ever-changing digital world. With an ever-growing reliance on technology, both at home and in the workplace, we want our learners to be confident, competent and safe users of a range of technology, including digital literacy, computer science and online safety. These areas are revisited repeatedly through a range of themes, including cross curricular links, during children’s time in school to ensure the learning is embedded and skills are successfully developed. Projects completed by the children throughout their time with us, support their perseverance, creativity and critical thinking.
In EYFS children develop their understanding of how to use a computer, for example mouse skills and opening and closing a program. They are introduced to basic coding skills through using Beebots.
In Year 1 pupils continue to develop their keyboard and mouse skills. They begin to look at data and information by labelling, grouping and searching. They develop their understanding of a range of tools used for digital painting through projects such as Microsoft Paint and Paintz. They also begin to look at digital writing and look at technology all around us.
In Year 2 children continue to develop their knowledge of computing systems and networks. They learn to recognise that different devices can be used to capture photographs, use a computer to make music and begin to organise data.
In Year 3 pupils continue to build on the skills they have been taught in KS1. They build on their digital literacy skills, continue to build their coding and debugging skills, use databases and learn to create stop frame animation.
In Year 4, pupils have the opportunity to use CAD (Computer Aided Design), practise their photo and audio editing skills, as well as using data loggers. They continue to enhance their coding skills through learning about repetition and loops in code.
In Year 5, pupils use Crumble to write code which powers a 3D model which links to their Design and Technology project. They are introduced to video editing and drawing with vectors.
In Year 6, pupils have the opportunity to further their digital literacy skills. They build on their coding knowledge to write a program to power a moving vehicle with links to Design and Technology, as well as creating a web page and using previously learnt skills to further their data and spreadsheet knowledge.
In school, children are taught about the importance of staying safe when using technology and online resources through a variety of ways. These include the importance of keeping passwords secret and not sharing personal information. Additionally we take part in National events such as 'Safer Internet Day' , where all children will have an assembly which focuses on age appropriate e-safety issues, followed by an opportunity to discuss these matters further in their class.
In EYFS children develop their understanding of how to use a computer, for example mouse skills and opening and closing a program. They are introduced to basic coding skills through using Beebots.
In Year 1 pupils continue to develop their keyboard and mouse skills. They begin to look at data and information by labelling, grouping and searching. They develop their understanding of a range of tools used for digital painting through projects such as Microsoft Paint and Paintz. They also begin to look at digital writing and look at technology all around us.
In Year 2 children continue to develop their knowledge of computing systems and networks. They learn to recognise that different devices can be used to capture photographs, use a computer to make music and begin to organise data.
In Year 3 pupils continue to build on the skills they have been taught in KS1. They build on their digital literacy skills, continue to build their coding and debugging skills, use databases and learn to create stop frame animation.
In Year 4, pupils have the opportunity to use CAD (Computer Aided Design), practise their photo and audio editing skills, as well as using data loggers. They continue to enhance their coding skills through learning about repetition and loops in code.
In Year 5, pupils use Crumble to write code which powers a 3D model which links to their Design and Technology project. They are introduced to video editing and drawing with vectors.
In Year 6, pupils have the opportunity to further their digital literacy skills. They build on their coding knowledge to write a program to power a moving vehicle with links to Design and Technology, as well as creating a web page and using previously learnt skills to further their data and spreadsheet knowledge.
In school, children are taught about the importance of staying safe when using technology and online resources through a variety of ways. These include the importance of keeping passwords secret and not sharing personal information. Additionally we take part in National events such as 'Safer Internet Day' , where all children will have an assembly which focuses on age appropriate e-safety issues, followed by an opportunity to discuss these matters further in their class.
Cyber Ambassadors
This year at EHPS we are excited to introduce Cyber Ambassadors. Cyber Ambassadors is a scheme run by Hampshire Police and we were very lucky to have Marcia Tanyianyiwa come into school to train our new Cyber Ambassadors up. The Cyber Ambassadors will be set missions throughout the school year and their first mission is to set up and monitor a cyber worries box.