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Elvetham Primary




At Elvetham Heath Primary School children learn French from Year 3 to Year 6. The overall aim of teaching French is to foster an enthusiasm for languages, while at the same time providing a solid grounding in French and encouraging a broader cultural understanding.

Pupils are taught by a french specialist to listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding. They explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs, rhymes and games. PowerPoint, flashcards, card games, songs, chants, raps, dice games, puppets, French story books, CDs, DVDs and various visual aids all contribute to a stimulating learning environment.

Pupils are taught to speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures. Across the 4 years they learn to develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases.

Pupils learn to understand basic French grammar, including masculine and feminine forms and the conjugation of high-frequency verbs. They also learn key features and patterns of the French language.

Pupils are taught to read, write, speak and listen in French, with the aim being that, by the end of Year 6, they will be able to form and understand complete sentences across a variety of topics, in preparation for continued language learning in Year 7 and beyond.

French is taught in PPA time in a 3 week timetable alongside Music and P.E. Lesson times vary depending on the rotation. When French is weekly in the morning rotation it is taught for at least 45 minutes and when French is in the afternoon rotation, it is taught for at least 45 mintues.

Children perform French dialogues or songs in Focus Assemblies. The songs about the days of the week, Freres Jacques, Christmas and The French c'est chic are the favourites. 

EHPS has also launched a French ambassador programme this year. Each class in year 4 and year 5 have elected 2 french ambassadors who will promote French across the school, run some fun activities and games at lunch times and organise a main quarterly event like Bastille Day.