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Elvetham Primary






Our aim is to deliver a high-quality geography curriculum that inspires a curiosity and fascination in the children about the world and its people.   We intend to equip children with a strong locational knowledge including natural and human environments. Children will gain a confidence with maps and Atlases to explore and discover the world around them. Pupils will also develop understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.


Geography in EYFS

In EYFS children should learn to describe their immediate environment using knowledge from observation, discussion, stories, non-fiction texts and maps. The children will be given the opportunity to explain some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries.

Geography at KS1

In KS1 the children should develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and our local area. They will start to use geographical language and begin to use geographical skills to enhance their locational awareness. They will learn the names and location of the world’s seven continents and the five oceans as well as learning about the United Kingdom and its seas. They will begin to look at geographical similarities and differences by studying maps and pictures of the places they are studying as well as using simple map work to recognise landmarks.

Geography at KS2.

The children’s geographical knowledge is further developed through the study of places in Europe, North and South America and comparisons made to our local area. As well as enhancing their locational knowledge they will build on their geographical skills through their studies of the human and physical characteristics of the places studied. The children will build on their fieldwork skills through map work and the use compasses. They will be encouraged to look at how geographical changes have changed the world they live in as well as think about how things may change in the future e.g. looking at the changes in climate.


Children at Elvetham Heath Primary School will be inquisitive learners. They will develop a curiosity and interest in the world that will stay with them long after they leave our school. Children will be able to apply their investigative skills and locational knowledge to other curriculum areas. They will become conscientious members of the community with an understanding of how their actions can impact on the environment.

Geography Long Term Plan