Message from Chair of GovernorsGovernor newsletters
Please see our most recent message from the Chair of Governors.
Our Governors
Our Governors are drawn from various areas of the local community including the local authority, the teaching and non-teaching staff and parents. Find out more about who our Governors are in the ‘Meet the Governors’ section.
As Governors we are very proud of EHPS, the amazing teaching and learning that takes place at the school. We value the culture of caring, support and focus on developing a growth mindset.
As a Governing Body we have a strong focus on three core strategic functions that enable us to be a critical friend that supports and challenges the school leadership.
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and direction.
- Holding the Headteacher to account for educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure school budgets are well spent.
All of our work is underpinned by the school’s strategic plan, which details our focus for the next year. You can find a summary of the plan here.
Our most important role is to ensure that every child at EHPS has the opportunity to learn and fulfil their individual potential. Some of the ways we do this are:
Full Governing Body meetings
We meet regularly, on a monthly basis during term time, as a Full Governing Body (FGB) and some regular agenda items are:
- Analysing termly performance data and SATs results: We look at the data presented to us to understand what interventions have worked well and to identify areas of focus for the future. These will then form part of the Strategic Improvement Plan for the following academic year.
- Reviewing, monitoring, updating and ratifying mandatory school policies: This ensures important policies are up to date, accurate and fit for purpose.
- Monitoring the financial performance of the school: Our finance team works with the school to ensure budget is spent in the most efficient way. We also work extremely hard to negotiate our supplier and other third party costs whilst ensuring that the service levels remain at the highest standard. The finance team provide regular updates at FGB meetings.
- Curriculum updates: Subject leaders update us on how their subject is taught, monitored and assessed, and provide an overview of the learning objectives they have for the next academic year.
Governor visits
We visit the school regularly to monitor specific areas which have been identified in the school’s strategic improvement plan. Some examples of these visits are:
- Book scrutiny visits: These visits focus on the marking policy and looking for evidence of progression in maths across all year groups. We always celebrate and recognize the high level of effort and commitment we see from our pupils and school staff. So look out for those Governor stickers in your children’s work books!
- Learning walks: Led by a member of staff who will talk us through the subject and show examples as we walk around the school.
- Focus assemblies and school performances: These are always the most popular visits and the most fun. They are a great way for us to see what the children have been learning and we get to experience different parts of the curriculum and learn something too!
Pupil and parent conferencing
Pupil conferencing takes place regularly, at the end of the summer term we speak with Year 6 leavers to get their feedback on their experiences at EHPS. Not surprisingly there is always amazing feedback and we are happy that everyone at EHPS has makes a great, lasting impression on the minds of the future.
Towards the end of the winter term we ask parents and children in Year R about their first term at EHPS and in the spring term we send out our annual parent survey to parents in Years 1-6.
We really appreciate your feedback and if you would like to discuss anything or give us any feedback then please get in touch.
Governor vacancies
The guidelines giving full details about how vacancies are filled can be viewed at Annex A Section C of the Constitution of Governing Bodies of maintained schools - August 2017.
You might also like to look at the information for prospective governors on the Hampshire County Council website