At Elvetham Heath Primary School we believe in creating informed and active future citizens who understand how their lives are connected to others in the past, present and the future. We encourage our pupils to recognise that they are both shaped by what has happened before them and that their impact in the world will affect what happens after them.
History at Early Years Foundation Stage
In EYFS, activities are planned throughout the year to target the early learning goals. Children will know some similarities between things in the past and present and can talk about their lives and people around them. They will draw on their own experiences and read stories. They will gain an understanding of the past through these stories.
History at Key Stage 1
In KS1 the children begin to develop an awareness of the past, they use common words and phrases that relate to the passing of time. They learn about famous people and events and start to be able to see how these are placed on a chronological time line.
Their vocabulary includes historical terms and different sources are used to encourage children to ask and answer questions, showing their understanding of key features of events.
Children are also encouraged to understand some of the ways in which we can find out about the past.
History at Key Stage 2
The children’s chronological knowledge is further developed through the study of different periods (civilisation and empire). First hand experiences bring their topics alive and give the children a fuller understanding of the period studied.
Connections, contrasts and change over time are noted and the appropriate use of historical terms encouraged. It is important the children start to devise historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference, and significance.
Children are encouraged to construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information. They start to understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources.
Our pupils will have a secure understanding of chronology, being able to make links and connections between significant people of history, events and time periods. Using historical studies, our children will develop the necessary skills of curiosity, inquisitiveness and critical thinking to give justified opinions and to reach logical conclusions. Interaction and collaborative learning are at the centre of this process to produce citizens ready for a democratic society in which they feel confident and prepared.
Through history, links are made with citizenship to develop an understanding and appreciation of their identity and cultural background, whilst building tolerance and patience towards other cultures in our multi-cultural society. Local history studies support them in understanding how and why their local areas have altered, as well as the benefits or disadvantages of this.