Meet our Governors
Current Governors
Serene Barr | Co-opted governor |
Tom Blake | Parent governor |
Rachel Davis-Featherstone | Co-opted governor |
Rachel Du Toit | Co-opted governor |
Megan James | Staff governor |
Andrew Kiln | Co-opted governor |
Michael Large | Co-opted governor & Chair of Finance |
Laura Lewis | Local Authority governor |
Pete Marston | Co-opted governor |
Linda Montgomery | Co-opted governor |
Karen Niblett | Co-opted governor |
Steve Polly | Co-opted governor & Chair of Governors |
Megan Robinson | Headteacher |
Elizabeth Sykes | Co-opted governor & Vice Chair of Governors |
Elizabeth Webb | Parent governor |
Hover over image to learn more about our governors.
Steve PollyChair of Governors
Steve Polly
While originally from Kent, I've lived on the  heath since 2015. I have always had an interest in education and although my career took me down a different path, I have always been keen to become a governor. I was therefore delighted to be appointed a co-opted governor at EHPS in 2019.
I have been a public servant my whole career. I've worked mostly in the Home Office, but also spent time in the Cabinet Office and at Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services. I Â have been fortunate to work in a range of fascinating policy areas, learning skills which will be essential to my role as a governor.
Currently, I work for Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service as their head of policy and risk.
Most of my spare time is spent with my 2 young children and enjoying our beautiful local area.
Since being a governor I've been part of the finance committee, led health and safety, had responsibility for art and humanities and been vice-chair since 2020.
Andrew KilnCo-opted Governor
Andrew Kiln
I am now one of the longest standing of the Governors. I joined the team in early 2018 as a parent governor and have completed my 4 year tenure. I have been asked to continue now as a Co-opted Governor.
I work for a Global Technology company that leads our clients through accelerating change, working within the UK Public Sector.
Linda MontgomeryCo-opted Governor
Linda Montgomery
I joined EHPS as a community governor in 2004, just after the school moved into the first phase of the permanent buildings. There was space for 210 pupils, but building work had already started on expansion. By 2006 we governors were working to persuade Hampshire County Council to make even more space available, to accommodate the 650 pupils that we now have.
As well as improving school premises, governors are responsible for ensuring we have the right staff to meet the needs of our children. Sometimes we need to replace our experienced staff who move on to promotion in other schools. While we are sad to lose them, we are pleased that their skills are highly valued by others.Over the years I've helped to recruit two Headteachers and several Deputy Heads. It's been a pleasure to work with them, continually striving to improve.With budgets getting ever tighter, we have to plan carefully so that we get best possible value from the resources available.
Governors are responsible for standards of achievement, and we were delighted when EHPS was graded as outstanding by Ofsted in 2010, a credit to the hard work of the staff and the responsiveness of the children. Since then, we have tried not to be complacent, and with the demands on schools continually changing, we always have new challenges to meet.
 I am now a Co-opted governor.
Karen NiblettCo-opted Governor
Karen Niblett
I was elected as an Associate Member of the Governing Body in November 2015, following a vacancy I then became a co-opted Governor in February 2016.
I have lived in Fleet since 1999 and my children have both been educated locally and are currently in 1st year at 6th Form College and the final year of a 4 year degree.
I am a qualified CIMA Accountant with over 20 years experience working in various Blue Chip and SME, I want to use my finance background to assist EHPS in keeping costs to a minimum, whilst ensuring the children's education and schooling is the best in can be.
Over the last 3 years, I have been involved in reviewing and monitoring the finances from a governors point of view, last year I added sports and well-being Governor and this year will add SEN (Special Educational Needs) Governor to my roles.
By having various  within the governing body, gives me a wider insight about different areas of the school and education.
Megan RobinsonHeadteacher
Megan Robinson
As Headteacher at EHPS I automatically become part of the governing body. I have worked in a wide variety of primary schools in Australia and the UK for over 30 years, so I feel I have a lot of valuable experience to bring to a school and governing body. I am especially proud to be working in Hart, and for Hampshire County Council, a high achieving authority.
As the school's Headteacher I work closely with the governing body to ensure that this school is performing at a high level and providing the children who attend the school with the best possible quality education. I also believe that strong links between staff, parents, community members and governors is key to the success of a school.
As Headteacher governor I formally report to the governors at each meeting about the quality of provision, which provides the governing body opportunities to support and challenge appropriately.
Having been awarded Outstanding status following the school's previous Ofsted inspection, the challenge we embrace is to maintain the provision of high quality education in order to prepare our learners for their futures. I know the governing body share my passion for raising standards as well as continuing our work on Character Education.
Elizabeth SykesCo-opted Governor
Elizabeth Sykes
I joined EHPS as a Parent Governor in May 2021. I have lived on the Heath for 15 years and have two children, one in senior school and one who is in KS2 at EHPS.
I am a qualified accountant (ICAEW) and after working at Deloitte I joined Barclays, where I stayed for 16 years. I worked in the Financial and Regulatory departments where I gained experience in regulation and system implementation, governance and functional organisation. In all my roles I worked and led cross department teams, learning how to ask questions positively, constructively challenge the status quo/perceived wisdom, getting people talking and listening to each other to form fact-based decisions.
In September 2019 I took a career break to re-assess how I wanted to spend my time and energy. The pandemic and experiences of 2020/2021 with home schooling heightened my appreciation for our teachers and school and the importance of an excellent education for every child. I realised I wanted to use my time, skills, and experience to contribute constructively to our school
Peter MarstonCo-opted Governor
Peter Marston
I became a co-opted governor of EHPS in July 2021. I want to do what I can to add to the continued success of the school into the future.
In my day job I have worked in military aviation safety for the past 20 years, with an academic background in mathematics, engineering and human factors. In my current role I sit in the engineering leadership team of a British family-owned engineering company, running a large technical department of engineers and physiologists, and spending too much time travelling around the world working with aircraft manufacturers and pilots !
Megan JamesStaff Governor
Megan James
I joined EHPS in 2020 as an NQT and have recently taken on the role of Year R Lead alongside being a class teacher. EHPS has been the perfect place for me to start my career as I have been surrounded by a fantastic team of staff, parents and children, who have provided an abundance of support alongside many opportunities for reflection and growth. I am extremely proud to be part of the wonderful community at EHPS and am looking forward to continuing fulfilling my  role, as staff governor.
Rachael Davis-FeatherstoneVice Chair & Co-opted Governor
Rachael Davis-Featherstone
I was initially elected as a Parent Governor in March 2022 but have now been co-opted and have a daughter at EHPS.
I am a children's author and former investment banker. In the corporate world, I worked on time-sensitive projects and learned to look at problems from a wide range of viewpoints to find the optimal solutions. Now as an author, I write uplifting, inclusive books for children across all ages and genres, both fiction and non-fiction for several leading publishers.
Growing up mixed race in a low-income single-parent family, I often felt like the odd one out. So throughout my life, I have always made a conscious effort to speak up for underrepresented voices. The individual needs of every child in school matters and I would like to help ensure that no child, parent or guardian's voice is left unheard.
Rachel Du ToitCo-opted Governor
Rachel Du Toit
I have lived in Fleet since 2006 and have two children at the school, one who started in 2020 and one in 2022.I have spent my career in the public sector, working both locally and further afield. My most recent role is an Assiatant Chief Executive at Rushmoor Borough Council, Â which sees me working across a number of areas including strategy, policy, communication, partnerships and risk.
Michael LargeCo-opted governor
Michael Large
I have lived in Fleet since 2014 and have two sons in KS1 at the school. My profession is within Institutional Transaction Banking,having spent my career at two of the world's largest banks, including a lengthy stint in Asia.During that time, I've held roles in governance, compliance, strategy, revenue management, marketing and communications. i'm currently on a career break and joined the governing team to give back to our outstanding school and help to make it the best it can possibly be.
I've previously volunteered by sitting on Employee Resource Group committees, advising senior management regarding policies affecting under-represented individuals in banking and draw on those skills to ensure that all children are fairly represented in our school.
I hold a degree in physics and am a classically trained pianist, so am particularly interested in STEM and music. In my free timeI have my hands full with my two sons and like to keep up with the latest gadgets.
Serene BarrCo-opted Governor
Serene Barr
I was elected as a co-opted governorin January 2024. I have lived in Fleet since 2011 and have twochildren, one in secondary school and one at EHPS.
I hold a masters degree in international finance with a professional backgroundin banking,specialising in globalfinancial services and customer experience.Over the years, I am fortunate enough to have worked /lived in various countries across Asia and Europe.Through these humbling experiences , I have learned the importance of respecting and embracing people of all cultures and backgrounds.
I would like to contribute what I can to the continued success of this school, making sure that every child at EHPS receives the best possible educational opportunities and thrives in a diverse and inclusive environment.
In my spare time, Ilove travelling, painting and spending timewith my beautiful family.
Laura LewisLocal Authority Governor
Laura Lewis
I joined the Board as the Locall authority Governor in September 2024.I am a Parish Councillor for Elvetham Heath and my eldest child has just started at the school. For the last four years I have been a stay at home taking an active interest in my communitythrough my parish council work and being on committees for the Little Elves preschool and Bright Horizons nursery.My previous career was as a freelance television production manager responsible for scheduling and budgeting, recruitment, health & safety, safeguarding, legal am now utilising these skills in running my own management franchise, which gives me greater flexibility to be present for my two children, while also being actively involved in shaping the direction of this school. I am always keen to look for ways I can offer my help to make a positive difference and serve the community to which I belong.
Tom BlakeParent Governor
Tom Blake
Elizabeth WebbParent Governor
Elizabeth Webb