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Elvetham Primary




Music is an integral part of our school life. At EHPS, we value music as we believe it is a powerful, unique way to communicate which has the ability to change the way our children feel, think and act. Our curriculum aims to provide all children with a means by which they can develop their musical skills and understanding through high-quality teaching, a variety of extra-curricular opportunities and involvement in community events. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to sing, compose and perform music in order to develop their creativity and self-confidence. At EHPS, our children also experience a variety of live and recorded music to enrich their understanding of musical traditions around the world, from different cultures. As a Character Education school, our children are not only exposed to virtues language but also use these virtues in their classroom and extra-curricular sessions. Our music curriculum has been planned using the National Curriculum, Model Music Curriculum and resources and advice from Hampshire Music Service. It aims to inspire every child to value the importance of enriching their lives by listening to and making music. It strives to instil a life-long love of music in our children, so that they have the desire to sing and play instruments at home and in the community; listen to music attentively and critically; support the efforts of other music makers and share their musical interests with family and friends.


At EHPS, we offer:

  • A dedicated music room with a range of instruments to make music practical and fun
  • A varied curriculum designed to enrich topics taught in the classroom
  • Workshop opportunities such as our Year 2 Chinese Dragon drumming workshop
  • A specialist music curriculum teacher for KS2 classes
  • The opportunity to learn an instrument together as a class (ukulele) from Year 4
  • Opportunities to use music technology in both Key Stages
  • Weekly KS1 and KS2 singing practice
  • A main choir for anyone in KS2
  • An auditioned chamber choir for Years 5 and 6
  • An orchestra by invitation from Year 4
  • Two concerts per year for parents to watch our ensembles and soloists
  • Additional performance opportunities in the community such as Fleet Christmas Lights and Fleet Choral Society concerts
  • Instrumental lessons on guitar, keyboard, piano, drums, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, flute and violin from visiting peripatetic teachers


Please click below to see the KS2 Long Term Plan.
