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Elvetham Primary




PSHE at Elvetham Heath Primary School aims to give all children opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they need to effectively navigate the complexities of the modern ever-evolving world. Our curriculum supports children in developing the ability to make informed choices, both now and in the future, around their health, safety, wellbeing, relationships and responsibilities. These extend to both real-life scenarios and those of a virtual context.

The scheme of work followed has been developed for the children of Elvetham Heath Primary, building on prior knowledge and experiences, whilst promoting their personal development. Lessons are devised using external sources such as materials from the PSHE Association (which is recommended by the Department for Education), Kapow’s mental wellbeing scheme and ‘No outsiders in our school’ scheme of work. Our programme of study not only reflects the universal needs shared by all pupils but also reflects the specific needs of individual pupils. Our PSHE policy and programme of study have been produced after consultation with parents, as we view the partnership of home and school as vital in providing context to the PSHE curriculum and supporting the whole child.

Our scheme of work covers the Relationship and Health Education Statutory Guidance (as set out by the Department for Education). Our PSHE provision significantly contributes to the children’s personal development as set out by the Ofsted Inspection Framework and promotes the four fundamental British Values that reflect life in modern Britain and our school’s Character Education ethos and school virtues.

At EHPS, we believe PSHE (including relationships and health education) is important for our pupils and our school to ensure our pupils grow to flourish in today’s society. We understand our responsibility to deliver a high-quality, age and stage-appropriate whilst progressive curriculum to our children.


Here are links to some KS1 videos and a KS2 videos based on Growth mindset:







During the Summer holidays, it is really important for the children to have a brain break. However, we know that having wellbeing activities for during this period can be enjoyable and useful. We have put together some activities and weblinks which you may choose to use over the Summer break based on various areas of PSHE.

We know that the wellbeing activities have been popular so we have created a weekly wellbeing task that you could complete during the holiday period. Attached below are the activities for you to explore.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Here are a few extra links to activities which promote good mental wellbeing and relaxation.

Meditation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mX4JBBIcBk 

Relaxation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBnPlqQFPKs 

Yoga - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X655B4ISakg

Dancing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHd2s_saYsQ

Mental health - https://mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/media/2080/selfcaresummer-primary-pack.pdf 

It is very important that children learn how to keep themselves safe. Here are some links to pages where children can learn these important life lessons.

Road safety - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NeEF1fwT4k 

Water safety (including pool safety - https://www.sta.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Health-and-Wellbeing-Booklet.pdf? 

Stranger safety - http://clevernevergoes.org/parents-2/

Electrical safety - http://www.switchedonkids.org.uk/electrical-safety-in-your-home and http://www.switchedonkids.org.uk/docs/teachers-resources/SwitchedOnKids_colouringsheet.pdf  

Online safety - https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ 

Sun safety - https://www.sunsafeschools.co.uk/resources/ 

Beach safety - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z94jxnb and http://www.surfhero.com.au/activity-centre/ 

Money - https://www.valuesmoneyandme.co.uk/kids/pride-place 

Healthy eating - https://fit.sanfordhealth.org/resources/healthy-snacks-food-quiz-video?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=89547636&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9dW5oybdV6o6qAP_OQ-ouFomN-W5XueMnu4dNipaQyT5rY3G8gw1PnVX9CDRr1u1xafuGDZgXjSF-w_tj0mKRK6iLsT1StDZjlL9sfaEjyrKnJOts&utm_content=89447787&utm_source=hs_emai


Please follow the link below for discount codes that can be used when purchasing period sanitary items: