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Elvetham Primary

Absence from school

Absence from school

The school academic year commences in September and concludes in July.  Your child is expected to attend for the full academic year.

It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their child attends school on a full time basis.

A record of attendance will be kept in the form of a register completed twice a day, at the start of each session. Therefore each day at school your child will have two attendance (session) marks.

If your child is unwell you must contact the school before 8:50am. You may leave a message on the school answer machine at any time. You may prefer to email admin@ehps.hants.sch.uk to report an absence. Please continue to call on any subsequent days of absence.

Diarrhoea and vomiting is an illness that can spread quickly through a school. If your child is ill with these symptoms, we ask you to follow the Health Protection Agency guidelines and keep your child off school for 48 hours after the last episode.

Click here for Attendance Matters information leaflet: Attendance Matters Booklet

Term time holiday absence

If you are planning your next annual holiday, please remember you should not take your child on holiday in term time as it is disruptive both to your child's learning and to the school. Wherever possible please arrange for your holidays to coincide with the school holidays. Authorisation by the Headteacher will only be given in exceptional circumstances.


From September 2015 unauthorised leave of absence or during public exams, assessment and testing may incur a penalty notice / fine. Please read the guidance leaflet that has been circulated to parents.  Penalty Notices can be issued with no further warning.

At Elvetham Heath Primary School, the Headteacher has delegated the authorisation of requests to the Deputy Headteacher, who will only consider holidays in term time where both:

  • the application is made to the school well in advance of the holiday
  • there are exceptional reasons for needing to take the holiday.

The Deputy Headteacher will also take into consideration the individual circumstances of the child when considering any holiday request.

Pease note that Year 2 and Year 6 pupils have assessments taking place during the first half of the summer term and Year 1 pupils have assessments in June.


Please click here to view our Attendance policy