After SchoolInternal Clubs Offered{SECTION_MENU}
After school clubs
After School Clubs
Internal After School Clubs Offered
After School Clubs Letter_ December 2024
Ordinarily, children in Year 1 – Year 6 have the opportunity to attend after school clubs (Year R only from the Spring/Summer terms). The choice increases as the children get older. After school clubs usually run for 9-11 weeks each term; they do not run on the first or last week of a full term (ie Sept/Dec, Jan/Mar Apr/Jul) and clubs do not run in the week that is scheduled for parents’ evenings.
Once pupils are allocated and attending clubs we keep a register and we ask you to let us know in advance if your child is in school but not planning to attend a club. Either an email to the office or a verbal notification will suffice.
An email will be sent each term detailing the clubs being offered, timings and booking and payment details/links.
Please read the club agreement flyer before your child attends a club.
If you have any queries about bookings, please contact Laura Bowen in the school office.
Please let the school office know if your child is not going to attend a club so that we do not follow our usual checking procedures.
If your child was in school but did not register at a scheduled club, and you have not notified us, we will endeavour to contact you to check that your child is safe. We kindly ask that all parents avoid telephoning or calling in to the school office between 3.20pm - 4.00pm so that we can prioritise these calls.