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Elvetham Primary

Working with Parents

Working together

We strongly believe that education is a shared partnership with school and home. We encourage parents to become fully involved in their children's learning and also in the life of the school.

We have a well-planned induction process of home visits for our new reception pupils, and liaise with parents and pre-school organisations in order that each child’s first experiences of school are positive and successful. In this way we are able to build strong relationships with all of our children and parents.

All children & parents virtually sign a Home School Agreement on Arbor, which sets out expectations of school, child and parents. This can be viewed here: Home School Agreement 2023



During the year there will be two formal opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress and attainment, and view their work. The staff, however, are pleased to discuss any issues or concerns about your child’s progress at any time during the year and we appreciate your support if difficulties are identified. Please do not hesitate to arrange an appointment with the class teacher or Headteacher if necessary. Each half-term parents will receive a class newsletter to tell you about the learning ahead. Each term, parents are invited to come into school for a work viewing session where they sit with their child and discuss their learning and look at their books.

Written reports are sent to parents twice a year. In the Spring term, an interim report is provided as guide to discussion at the Spring parent teacher consultations and provides an update on progress and development areas. At the end of the Summer term, each child receives an annual report. These provide details of each child’s progress and identify their next steps in learning.

We also organise meetings with parents to explain curriculum practice. These are an opportunity to share information about the work of the school and also encourage a common approach e.g. supporting children's learning in reading.


Parent Forum

Every class has a class representative who attends a termly parent forum. The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, concerns and make suggestions for improvement.  Here are the latest minutes of the parent forum and an explanation of its role. 

What is the Parent Forum?

Parent Forum Minutes September 2024

Parent Forum Minutes January 2025