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Elvetham Primary

School Uniform

School Uniform

What should my child wear to school?

We believe that a school uniform helps to achieve a sense of belonging and identity. Our uniform consists of:

  • mid-grey trousers, shorts or culottes (lycra-type material trousers are not acceptable);
  • plain mid-grey skirt or pinafore dress;
  • School logo white polo shirt;
  • optional for juniors only ~shirt and tie;
  • dark green sweatshirt (with the school logo)  or cardigan (with the school logo);
  • white or grey socks; or grey tights;
  • appropriate low heeled black shoes (trainers and boots are not permitted);
  • PE kit: plain non-branded black shorts - length to be just above the knee,
  • team t-shirt - the office staff will advise you of your child's team colour;
  • for outdoor PE: trainers and plain non-branded dark sweatpants;
  • optional extra: school logo hooded sweatshirt for PE;
  • school book bag;
  • school logo drawstring bag.

Alternative items for summer:

  • green and white gingham dress;
  • plain, predominantly white sandals (low heels) with white socks.

Additional items for winter:

  • our school fleece is an optional extra; it can be useful as an extra layer for walking to school and at playtimes. 

P E kit:

Your child will need a pair of light trainers for outdoor games (ideally with Velcro until they can tie their own laces) and a PE /sports bag to keep any kit items safe. Children can wear an optional school logo hooded sports sweatshirt or their school sweatshirt for PE on cooler days. Plain non-branded jogging bottoms are also an option for cooler days.

Children will come to school in their PE kit on their scheduled (indoor and outdoor) PE days.

Earrings: On PE days children should remove their earrings at home wherever possible andif they are not then they need to be taped (using micro tape) for the children's safety.

Sporting clothes that are brought into school for after school clubs must be brought in the school's PE / sport bag and kept in the storage cubicle outside of the classroom. 

General information:

All logo branded school uniform including polo shirts, sweatshirts/cardigans, team PE t-shirts, ties, book bags, PE bags and other uniform items are available through Brenda's Schoolwear

In addition the "Friends of Elvetham Heath Primary School P.T.A hold periodic sales of school uniform items (logo and non-logo) - check weekly newsletter for details of upcoming dates.

Non branded logo uniform items are available from supermarkets, high street shops and charity shops.


All clothing must be clearly marked with your child’s name. We regularly have unmarked lost property handed in; please do email with your child's name and class to re-claim any lost items.

Unclaimed uniform will not be held indefinitely; and will be sent for recycling.

Jewellery is not practical or safe for school wear, and so this must be kept to a minimum. Plain silver/gold stud earrings and a plain watch are acceptable, but earrings must be removed by the child or tape must be brought in to cover for PE lessons.

Smart and tidy hairstyles only, all long hair (past shoulder length) must be tied up and any hair accessories should be plain and of school uniform colour. No coloured hair braids, coloured hair or shaved patterns are allowed.

If your child brings personal items to school they are responsible for their safety.


Out of school excursions

Pupils will be informed via the trip information letter of what they are expected to wear on school excursions.