Snacks and Water
We strongly encourage all children to bring a re-fillable water bottle to school with them everyday. These may only contain plain tap water. All school taps dispense drinking water and water is freely available in the dining halls at lunchtime.
Children in EYFS (Year R) do not have a set morning break, however they are provided with a snack of fresh fruit from the Year R café.
Children in Year 1 & 2 are also offered a piece of fruit for their morning snack break.
If your child is especially hungry, they may also choose to bring an additional snack to school. This must be a healthy snack.
Children in Years 3 - 6 may bring in a healthy snack from home to consume during their morning break. Please no crisps, nuts, sweets or chocolates.
Healthy snacks that can be brought into school are:
- Fresh fruit
- Fresh vegetable ( ie carrot cucumber batons)
- Piece of bread
- Plain rice cakes
- Bread sticks
- Cheese & crackers.
Children in Years 3 - 6 also have access to the snack trolley which is run by our catering company. Children are able to choose from freshly baked bread or cheese & crackers. These snacks are paid for in cash for which the children are responsible. Children who are eligible for Free School Meals do not have to pay for snacks from the trolley.
All parents are able to arrange for their child to receive a carton of milk every school day. Our partners Cool Milk deliver three times a week and parents pay directly to this company. Milk is free to children who are under 5, receive Free School Meals or where the school receive Pupil Premium funding and it is subsidised for children aged five or older. Click here for information on how to register your child to receive milk in school.