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Elvetham Primary



Religious Education (RE)


At Elvetham Heath Primary School, the Religious Education syllabus - Living Difference IV - aims to give all children the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes that they need to understand the world around them. It introduces the children to what a religious way of looking at, and existing in, the world may offer in leading their life individually and collectively.

We aim to achieve this by exploring the idea that to live a religious life means to subscribe to certain propositional beliefs (religion is truth); the idea that to live a religious life means to adhere to certain practices (religion as practice); and the idea that to live a religious life is characterised by a particular way of being in and with the world, with a particular kind of awareness of, and faith in, the world and in other human beings (religion as existence.)

Our curriculum encourages the children to explore different religious and non-religious traditions allowing them to develop their ability to become tolerant, accepting and respectful individuals of their own and other’s religious or non-religious beliefs.

Below is information to show the religions explored during a pupil’s progress through the school:

Key Stage 1: Years R, 1 & 2: Christian traditions and Hindu traditions

Key Stage 2: Years 3 & 4:     Christian traditions and Sikh traditions

                       Years 5 & 6:     Christian traditions and Muslim traditions

Lessons are taught in a block each half term with a concept as a focus e.g. Faith. During these units of work, the pupils take part in class/group discussions, drama activities, watch video clips, go on visits and/or have visitors to the school.