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Elvetham Primary



At Elvetham Heath Primary School we aim to be fully inclusive. We believe that all children, irrespective of their special educational needs or disabilitiy, should have equal access to a broad, balanced, inclusive and relevant curriculum which is differentiated to meet their individual needs. 

Special educational needs are the responsibility of all staff and we work hard to meet the needs of all our pupils and enable them to develop their full potential. Children in need of additional support are placed on the school SEND register where we monitor their progress carefully and ensure the right level of support is provided. Please click here for more information on our school's Vision for Inclusion.

We follow the Government's Code of Practice on SEND and its graduated approach, working collaboratively with parents, pupils and outside agencies.

We have an open-door policy and welcome parents to visit us with any questions they may have either when choosing a school or when their child is settled with us. 

For further information please refer to the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy and our SEND Information Report which details our provision.

Our SEND team comprises :

SENDCo: Mrs África Pearce  ( a.pearce@ehps.hants.sch.uk )

SENDCo: Ms Rachel Killick  ( r.killick@ehps.hants.sch.uk )

Both can be contacted via their email addresses above or by calling the school office on 01252 622205 

If you would like to receive any information in large print or have other specific requests, please  let us know. We are more than happy to assist.