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Elvetham Primary





At Elvetham Heath Primary School, curiosity is at the centre of our science curriculum. Science is about developing an understanding of, and making sense of our environment and the world in which we live, primarily through experience and exploration. Through purposeful practical science work, we develop the childrens’ critical thinking and enquiring minds whilst also ensuring that children secure and retain a broad body of scientific knowledge.

Our core vision is that all children will leave our school equipped with the scientific knowledge and enquiry skills to allow them to continue to be curious and analytical learners into Key Stage 3 and beyond.

Knowledge & Skills

At our school, the children follow a series of learning journeys, progressing and building upon knowledge in different areas of science. In Year R, children begin to develop their understanding of the world through their work around the seasons, plants and animals.  Throughout Key Stage One and Two, our pupils go on to discover and learn about: earth and space; forces and magnetism; variation and evolution in the natural world; materials; plants and animals; and light and sound.

Our school character virtues are embedded within our science curriculum. Children strive to think and behave like scientists. Each science unit is led by rich, open questions, that foster curiosity, and encourage children to use autonomy to follow their own lines of enquiry. When working scientifically, children are encouraged to develop their perseverance and determination. Within practical activities, they learn to predict, hypothesise, observe and investigate how one thing affects another and how to record their evidence. Reflection and critical thinking are key skills we develop when teaching children how to explain observations and make conclusions.


Our science curriculum is supported by using our fantastic school environment: the well-established pond, bug-hunting areas and wild flower gardens. We also use the local nature reserve that is teeming with wildlife and opportunities to foster children’s love of science. 

Our science curriculum is further enhanced by offsite trips (currently Winchester science museum and Marwell Zoo), biannual STEM family evenings and focus science weeks.

