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Elvetham Primary

PE & Sport


PE & Sport

At Elvetham Heath Primary School, our aim is to ensure that we promote and deliver a curriculum enriched in sporting activities. We aim to provide opportunities for children to live healthy lifestyles, to take part in many and varied sporting activities and compete with other children from within the local and wider community so that they become physically confident in a way which supports their own health and fitness.

We offer an excellent Physical Education curriculum that encourages all pupils to develop in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. We pride ourselves on being inclusive to all of our pupils, ensuring that we provide opportunities for every child to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Not only do we provide opportunities to compete in sport and other activities but we help to embed the school virtues of respect, responsibility, honesty, perseverance and kindness.

Children’s physical and emotional well-being is paramount at EHPS and we aim to encourage every child to believe in themselves, no matter what their ability. We celebrate achievements no matter how big or small and ensure that children feel valued and can build their feelings of self-worth.


At EHPS, we teach to the National Curriculum expectations, set out below, but also aim for children to leave with the knowledge of how to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We aim to provide the varied sporting opportunities to allow children take these experiences through their school life, developing a broad range of skills and understanding that these skills are transferable through different sports. Teachers encourage children to pursue any sport which they enjoy, as well as to try something new. A range of clubs are available for children through extra-curricular activities which all children are encouraged to attend. Class teachers also promote local clubs outside of school to support children to continue to foster their talents and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

PE is taught for approximately 2 hours per week; an indoor session taught by class teachers and an outdoor session taught by a PE specialist. Children also take part in ‘Run for Life’ daily.

We encourage children to acknowledge that some sports require team participation whilst others are individual sports. Children are supported in lessons to develop their ability to work as a team and are provided with opportunities to work individually and within teams.

During indoor PE sessions, gymnastics and dance are taught by class teachers who all have a British Gymnastics Qualification. Children follow a clearly planned gymnastics session where they are given the opportunity to perform routines to their peers who critique and evaluate their work, being able to immediately adapt their routine following the analysis and feedback.

Dance units are planned in theme with the children’s topics and where possible, external experts come in to offer workshops for the children to participate in.

During the summer term, Sports Week provides the opportunity for children to show autonomy by choosing the sports their Year Group wish to participate in. Children vote for their favourite sport and join in competitively winning points for their teams. Sports Week also enables children to practise and demonstrate other athletic skills in their House Teams and compete against their year group peers on competitive running events. Our Sports Week is highly inclusive allowing for pupils of all abilities in PE to participate.

During playtime we offer children the opportunity to use the trim trial and outdoor gym equipment to develop their upper body strength, flexibility and coordination.

Year R

Year R teachers target the skills from the Educational Programmes set out in the EYFS Framework and also use Development Matters and their practitioner knowledge of child development to support them in developing a bespoke curriculum whereby they support and extend children through physical challenges in the environment and interactions from adults. The area of learning and development is Physical Development: Fine Motor and Gross Motor.

PE is taught explicitly by PPA staff on a weekly basis who teach the children fundamental skills in balance, gymnastics, athletics and multi-skills.

Every Friday the children participate in 'Physical Friday'. This is where teachers model social games, ring games, turn taking and practise the skills they have been learning in their PE lessons.


Class teachers introduce outdoor PE to the Year 1 children with the learning objective of developing the basic skills of sport. In Y2, outdoor PE is taught by one of our PE specialists, Steve Mannion, who builds on the basic skills taught in YR & 1 leading to their application within specific sports.

Physical Education in Key Stage 1 focuses on: 

  • mastering basic movements such as running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination.
  • participating in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.
  • performing dances using simple movement patterns. These are mostly taught through the topics that the children are learning about.



The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.

We aim to have KS1 children experiencing competition styles through attending festivals of skills which we both host and attend at various locations. These include multi-skills events, indoor cricket, netball and football.

By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.




PE is taught as a whole class by the class teacher (indoor PE) or with a specialist P.E. teacher (outdoor PE).

Physical Education in Key Stage 2 focuses on:

  • running, jumping, catching and throwing in isolation and in combination.
  • playing competitive games, such as football, netball, cricket and rounders, and applying basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.
  • developing flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance, through gymnastics and athletics.
  • performing dances using a range of movement patterns.
  • taking part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges, both individually and within a team.
  • comparing their performances with previous ones to achieve their personal best.
  • learning a range of swimming strokes and developing confidence and safety in the water.



There is a condition for schools to publish how many pupils within their Year 6 cohort are meeting the National Curriculum requirement in swimming. Swimming lessons take place for children in Year 5 during the Summer term.

The National Curriculum states that ‘Children should be able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, using a range of strokes effectively and perform a safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.’


Due to unprecedented circumstances (COVID-19) and swimming pools being closed, this data was not collected.


91% of pupils were able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters and use a range of strokes effectively and 87% performed self-rescue in different water-based situations.


87% of pupils were able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters and use a range of strokes effectively and 86% performed self-rescue in different water-based situations.