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Elvetham Primary



Headteacher's Welcome

Being a relatively new school, we have modern and spacious facilities, including two halls, a food technology room, a music and drama room, computer suite and an all-weather astro pitch. Visitors to our school comment positively on the look and feel of our school, and we are proud to be seen as a vibrant, happy and welcoming community for staff, parents and children.

We have a very strong reputation locally and within Hampshire. Our school data is consistently above local, County and National outcomes. All teachers use their PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) time to work together to ensure a consistent approach across the year group. We keep our staff up to date with DfE initiatives through offsite training, regular staff meetings and INSET days. Our school hosts moderation meetings where we attract approximately 60 teachers from other local schools each time, who appreciate the professional dialogue with our staff teams.

We regularly review our curriculum in order to meet our children’s needs and interests. It is important to us that we plan and sequence our curriculum to enable the children to acquire new skills and knowledge and build on their prior understanding. Our curriculum is broad and balanced, and enhanced with visits and visitors relevant to their current topics. All children have access to the full curriculum, and we track their progress against national expectations.

Although we are judged by our outcomes in Maths and English, we believe in the importance of all curriculum areas. We employ specialist PE, Music and French teachers to provide subject expertise. In addition, a teacher from each key stage is responsible for leading subject areas, and they monitor their subject, lead staff meetings and report to governors where appropriate. We employ a librarian who helps to encourage children to read a variety of books and make the library an appealing space for all children.

"I would recommend this school because of the following reasons:              It provides a safe, happy and encouraging learning environment for my child. My child has progressed steadily in academic, physical and emotional development. The head teacher, Mrs Robinson, has been a real leader in steering the school in the right direction. Character education has been a valuable addition to the children's academic curriculum.Parent Survey 2021-2022

 Most of the children who attend our school come from the immediate catchment area, where there is a mixture of owner-occupied, shared ownership and social housing. The majority of children go on to Calthorpe Park Secondary School, but some choose independent secondary schools.

We are very proud of our school and we would encourage you to visit us and see for yourself. Please arrange a visit by calling the school office. We look forward to seeing you!

Mrs Megan Robinson
